As subtle as an IED going off next door. As indulgent as making out on a park bench with a pretty woman. As offensive as wearing a baby seal fur coat to a PETA convention.
This is the 2010 Ford SVT Raptor.
In these sickeningly PC times, we’re grateful that Ford mustered the guts to introduce the Raptor. Not only is this a full-size pickup, but it’s a purpose-built machine designed for high-speed off-road running…not exactly what the Tread Lightly organization had in mind. This truck won’t win many friends in Washington, DC or at the local Sierra Club.
For this we rejoice.
Boy, has the E-Class Mercedes ever come a long way from being the world’s taxi cab. This latest W212 four-door E-Class is a proper executive sedan filled to the gills with technology, luxury, and style. What is already an edgier base model E-Class goes to the edgy-looking extreme here in the 518 horsepower, E63 AMG and you either mind that or you don’t. We do feel the edge is a little overstated, but it’s certainly not heinously so.