Chris Taylor

Circuit Of The Americas — Track Guide

Since the track opened, we’ve been keeping up to date on the Circuit of The Americas in Austin, Texas. We’ve even driven it ourselves a few times. As we continue to cover CoTA, we’ll be adding information—especially videos—here, with links to other content.

By Winding Road Staff | April 09, 2013
Circuit Of The Americas Walkthrough From Chris Taylor Racing Services

Everybody that hasn’t been on track at Circuit Of The Americas yet is foaming at the mouth, and everybody that has is in a daze from how amazing, fast, and technical this brand new, $400 million dollar facility is. I’ve been around it a couple of times over the last few months, and though I’ve probably got 20 laps on it I still don’t have a firm grasp on things…but I do think I know a good start to running a quick lap, and here it is.

By Winding Road Staff | March 26, 2013
Track Report: Driving Circuit Of The Americas

We recently had the opportunity to spend a weekend on track at Circuit Of The Americas during a track day event hosted by MVP Track Time. Because COTA is a new track and a singular facility in the US (e.g., United States Grand Prix site, $400 million facility) we thought you might enjoy some of our thoughts on the experience before we can do our standard Track Profile.

By Tom Martin | February 04, 2013


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