Canon, the largest maker of cameras, has announced the R3, a new mirrorless camera body that has a large list of features that make it ideal for motorsports photography.
Our favorite video camera for racing is the AiM SmartyCam GP HD 2.2. From Winding Road Racing crew, to pro and amateur drivers, pretty everyone agrees that the SmartyCam is a great solution.
In the world of action cameras, GoPro is essentially the equivalent of Kleenex at this point, as brand adoption has become so widespread that most people wouldn’t really consider that an alternative to it exists, or that much an alternative might be worth closer inspection. However, just because something becomes a standard in its realm doesn’t mean it’s the only game in town. The new Replay XD 1080 Mini action camera brings its own unique bag of tricks to the table, and some of its features might make it a more ideal fit than the typical go-to depending on your requirements.
When driving, being able to see where you are going and what is going on around you is generally quite important. That’s why we tend to appreciate vehicles with massive greenhouses, as it gives us a great idea of what the other knuckleheads on the road are up to.